
Natã, another Wolfram Syndrome patient

It was about a year ago that I first met another Wolfram Syndrome patient, just like me. It was at a doctor’s appointment in São Paulo where I met Natã and his family for the first time. I can say this boy’s story is beautiful and it motivated me even more to move forward with my project and to help other people. After a year, Jeanete, Natã’s mother, reached out to me for help because Natã needed to get back to the doctor in order to have new medical tests and exams and also to have his vision checked but unfortunately they could not afford so many medical expenses. That is when we came up with the idea to raffle a Daily Rock’s guitar which had been donated to Natã. Just like Natã, I also had to return to the doctor and that’s when I finally had the privilege to meet, once again, this very sweet patient and his parents.

We are very grateful for the amount we were able to raise from the raffle tickets and generous donations which totaled R$ 6,121.00. Those proceeds allowed Natã to be seen by a neuro ophthalmologist on April 11 in São Paulo. The proceeds were used for payment of medical appointments, two sight exams: OCT and Evoked Potential, airplane tickets from Curitiba to São Paulo, 4 blood glucose control sensors called FreeStyle Libre as well as medications such as Idebenone, Puran and Risperidone.

Total value collected: R$ 4,634.00
Balance: R$ 1,487.00
The remaining amount is deposited in Natã’s saving account and will be used for his next appointment with the neuro ophthalmologist due next October.

Below you see the video of the raffle drawing.

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